

The 2024 Honens Festival Is Just Around the Corner!

The 2024 Honens Festival Is Just Around the Corner!

Honens, home of Canada’s international piano competition, fosters the art of piano performance, identifies and supports outstanding young artists, and sparks and enhances appreciation and understanding of the piano and piano music. Through its annual Honens Festival as well as community events and initiatives, Honens shares world-renowned music and strives to provide every Calgarian access to barrier-free, enriching musical experiences.

From 5 to 8 September, don't miss the highly anticipated solo piano recital by 2022 Honens Prize Laureate Illia Ovcharenko or Bison Noir, a late-night cabaret concert featuring a Jazz Age-inspired program, celebrating the centenary of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue with Honens Artistic Director Jon Kimura Parker and award-winning wind quintet WindSync.

You can also experience free, family events like 176 Keys at CF Chinook Centre and Stephen Avenue, two adaptive concerts designed specifically to be inclusive and accessible for all; and two performances of the ever-popular Open Air at Central Park in Calgary and George Lane Park in High River.

Learn more and get your tickets today!

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5 Reasons To Be Excited for ‘The Seafarer’ at Alberta Theatre Projects

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Aztec Mythology Comes To Life in The Strategy of War