

ACQ with jazzevangelist Tim Tamashiro

ACQ with jazzevangelist Tim Tamashiro

Time to read: under 3 minutes

Tim Tamashiro is a celebrated vocalist throughout Canada as well as speaker, entertainer, and former national radio host. For a decade Tim was host of Tonic on CBC Radio 2 and since then he has become the creator of the unique "story / song" cabarets featured at Arts Commons.

Tim’s passion for writing also lead him to author the Amazon #1 bestselling book How To Ikigai. Ikigai is an ancient philosophy from Okinawa, Japan. It encourages all people to live your "life's worth". Best of all, Ikigai is a map with four directions to follow: 1. Do what you love 2. Do what you're good at 3. Do what the world needs 4. Do what you can be rewarded for

Tim has learned that his own Ikigai is “to delight”. He shares his Ikigai every chance he gets whether he's giving a speech, singing a song, telling a story or sharing a smile.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
My idea of perfect happiness is to spend time with my favourite people. We would share delicious food and stories. 

Which living person do you most admire?
I've only recently discovered a man that inspires me greatly! His name is Chuck Feeney. At 89 years old Chuck achieved his life's goal of giving away $8 billion. Chuck grew his massive fortune as the founder of Duty Free Stores (DFS). As his wealth grew his excesses grew in tandem. Before long he began to feel uncomfortable with his wealth so he came up with the idea of giving it all away during his lifetime. He built universities, health clinics, and hospitals. His reason for waking up each morning was to solve problems that needed solving. Chuck reserved a small amount of money for him and his wife to live off of. They rent a small apartment in San Francisco. He does not own a car. He has one navy blue sport coat. He carries his documents in a plastic bag. Chuck has inspired the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to give away their fortunes through his "giving while living" pledge. He represents the true spirit of generosity and kindness in the world today. 

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
I believe that too much magnificence is overrated. Over my life I have become far more comfortable with moderation.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I consider my marriage and children my greatest achievement. Both have taught me to learn and grow. 

What is your most memorable arts experience?
I have two most memorable arts experiences! The first was to experience Leonard Cohen in concert. It was the most joyful and generous performance I've ever seen. He skipped onto stage (at 78 years old). He sang on bended knee to the audience. He took off his hat and turned to every soloist during the show to give them his full attention. He transformed my entire appreciation for what it means to share music. 

My second most memorable arts experience was to see Michelangelo's David statue in Florence. The vastness and excellence of his workmanship was overwhelming to me. I spent an hour just looking up at the statue staring at it from every angle possible. I was filled to the brim with awe.

Where is your favourite place to exhibit/perform?
When I'm not performing at Arts Commons I love to perform for small crowds at house concerts. I love the intimacy. I love the hospitality. I love visiting with the audience one at a time. 

You have 2 hours of chill time, where do you go and what do you do?
If I had two hours of chill time I would take my dog Stewie to a field with deep grass. He loves running through the grass and finding little pathways he can follow. His wonder and joy fills me to the brim. 

Where is your favourite YYC place to eat?
I have many places that I love to eat at in Calgary but I haven't been to any of them since the quarantine. I have ordered my favourite pizza however. It's a special pizza that isn't on the menu at Sophie's Pizza on Richmond Road. We order Johnny's Special with feta cheese. It's like a pizza lasagna with a touch of Greece. It's heavenly!

What is your life motto?
There are only three things you need to learn to do in life: Be smart. Be funny. Be kind. 

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