All tagged arts learning

What does Arts ReimaginED mean to you?

What do you think when you hear arts education? Learning a musical instrument? Painting a portrait? Maybe using dance to express a feeling or idea?

Though these are all forms of arts education, what you likely don’t think about is the decades worth of research supporting the benefits that arts education has to our mental health, emotional maturity, and even our employability as adults – not just as artists, but in any type of job. As the largest performing arts centre in western Canada, it’s no surprise that we are very interested in the science of arts education. That’s why in spring of last year, we collaborated with Calgary Arts Development Association to conduct a benchmark survey to discover where teachers, parents, and arts facilitators needed us to step in and support.

Musings on Being Creative – Process and Product

In just a few days, after weeks of preparation, teachers will return to classrooms all over Alberta to inspire learning in thousands of students. Lesson plans will unfold, and many teachers will work with their students to create something new through brainstorming and collected ideas. It may sound simple but perfecting the process of creating a work with a group of students is no easy task.

Save Our Music – Keeping Music Education Alive in Our Schools 

In a couple of weeks students will return, for the first time in six months, to their classrooms across Alberta. Teachers are having to confront a very different, and often frightening reality of teaching in a completely new headspace, one that involves masks, frequent sanitation, and, for music teachers in particular, the elimination of high-risk activities such as singing.