All tagged Behind the scenes

Bringing A Christmas Carol Together Piece by Piece

Theatre Calgary’s A Christmas Carol marks it’s 36th season of delighting young and old with the classic tale of Ebeneezer Scrooge and his path to rediscovering the importance of kindness. It has certainly come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1983 at the old QR Centre. Boasting an immersive set made up of four houses weighing 3,000 lbs. each, a cast of 20 actors clothed in over 1,000 costume pieces, supported by 17 crew members, it’s no small theatrical undertaking.

Artists of Arts Commons - Part three

On stage at Arts Commons there’s no doubt that you’ll see amazingly talented people. In part three of this multi-part series, we’ll introduce you to a playwright, a make-up artist, and a miniature painter/ sketch artist who have been secretly (some much less secretively) practicing their art in their off-hours. For some it’s a hobby, and for others it’s a separate career fueled by their passion.