

Notice. Wonder. Make...Your Own Chalk Paint

Notice. Wonder. Make...Your Own Chalk Paint

Having fun this summer just got a lot more colourful with our three-ingredient recipe for chalk paint! Quick and easy, this activity will turn any sidewalk into a blank canvas for creativity!

Photo of craft supplies: corn starch, water, food colouring

You only need three ingredients for this chalk paint!

Step 1: Get Your Supplies 

Here's the good news: You should already have most of these things in your kitchen. (If you don’t, they are easy to find at the grocery store.) 

You’re going to need the following: 

  • 1 cup water

  • ½ cup cornstarch

  • Stir sticks (or something you can stir with)

  • Food colouring 

  • Containers for paint (old margarine or yogurt containers work well for this!) 

  • Various brushes

The chalk paint is ready!

Step 2: Mix Your Ingredients Together 

Take 1 cup of water, a ½ cup of cornstarch, and food colouring of your choice and mix together in your containers. 

The colours you choose are up to you, so get creative with your food colouring! Remember, you can always combine colours to make new ones! 

Just one of the fun things you can make with your chalk paint!

Step 3: Have Fun! 

Once you have your paint, the sky is the limit on what you can do! Grab your brushes and your buckets, go outside, and get creative! Some of the things you can paint include sidewalk games (Hopscotch or foursquare, anyone?), pictures, and messages to your community.  

Did you come up with something you are especially proud of? We want to see your masterpiece! Share, tag, and follow us on Twitter.

This summer activity is brought to you by Arts Commons Education. For more information on our programs for youth, or to learn more about our educational activities, please email us at 

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